Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your Weddings are How Many Days?

In any interracial relationship, I think both people reach an initial point where they step back and realize how different their cultures really are. For me that point came after the first few dates my girlfriend and I had when she described an Indian wedding to me. Being a white Catholic guy from a small Midwestern town, I had absolutely no understanding of what an Indian wedding was like, save for that one backwards episode of Seinfeld.

She explained that each wedding lasts multiple days and includes dances, a slew of rituals, the groom literally riding in on a white horse and a day in which the bride's family spends an entire day serving the groom's side.

Obviously everyone's experience is different, but if you're in an interracial relationship then you're pretty much guaranteed to have that first moment where you step back and say, 'wow we really are different, aren't we?' For a lot of people, this can be an overwhelming and reoccurring experience that I will try to address throughout this blog.


I am creating this blog for a class in my Master's degree program. The focus will be on being in an interracial relationship, most specifically a white male and an Indian female. I hope to address all that goes into dating someone with a completely different culture, including holidays, language, family, food, religion and perhaps I might learn something new.

Bonus points if you caught the Journey reference in the blog title.